Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Blizzard is shitting on the servers. What's new right?
Remember back in the WoW days where server matainence would extend all day, servers would lag like hell, and there was no reason to be playing, but we all played anyway?

That's how i feel right now with SC2.

/end rant

Anyway: TIP
Make sure you are always pumping your mineral line. Your max amount of probes that can harvest is 24, so 3 lines of SCV/DRONES/PROBES
Even if you have enough, if you have the extra money, why not build more. It makes it easier when it's time to expand, just grab a chunk of them and go!


  1. I didn't think Blizzard could get any worse...then they merged with Activision. Fuck Blizzard.

  2. I don't normally play video games, but when I do, I fuck my wife.

  3. Your blog looks super legit.
    Nice setup. I don't play SC or SC2, but some of my friends do, and watch pro Korean SC like every night. Crazy bastards and their SC lingo, I can never understand them.

  4. I need all the help I can get so thanks!

  5. Skeezy needs to get in on this SC2 stuff, but his comp is crap.

  6. I've gotten screwed on a few matches for letting my mineral line fall apart. Good thing to remember.

  7. Im learning some things from this blog, thanks!

  8. Thanks for checking out my site. I like your site keep up the good work.

  9. having good supplies for minerals can make or break a game. I often beat friends cause I can keep pumping out units, even in a pinch, cause of resources. good tip.

  10. it boggles my mind bliz still takes a full day for server care.

  11. I like the way you designed your blog :)

  12. Thanks for all the input guys! And yes for all of you guys hesitant about buying the game. I DEFINITELY recommend it. As a full time student i manage play starcraft 2 fine, though it may be onyl a few games a day. It's still my favorite hobby! No excuses =]

  13. Blizzard's also bathing in your monies.
